The said James M. Bly is to furnish wagon and horses to do all the hauling belonging to the Potting business, to grind the Clay, to furnish the horse power, to sell the ware and haul it off, to pay one fourth of the tole (toll), to pay for half the wood cut and corded in the woods to find half the salt, half the bluing and half the redled (red lead), to split the wood at the Kilm and put it under the sheds, to fill up the Clay hole and when we buy the Clay to pay half, to have one fourth of the profit of the ware.
The said Samuel H. Sonner is to pay one fourth of the tole (toll), to find half of the salt, half the bluing, half the redled (red lead), to pay for half the wood in the woods cut and corded, to furnish the Shop and Kilm, to pay for half of the Clay when we buy it, to have one fourth of the profit of the ware.
The said James M. Shinnick is to make the ware and if needed to keep a hand to help to make ware and load it in the wagon, to pay half the expenses of selling and hauling off the ware to have half the profit of the ware, to pay to James M. Bly his part of selling and hauling off the ware.
Giving under our hands and seals this 23rd day of October 1865.
Samuel H. Sonner (seal)
Jas. M. Bly (seal)
James M. Shinnick (seal)